Need Online High School Math Tutor

High School Math Tutor Job

You are in a car at rest. A police siren (f = 800 Hz) is moving towards you. Describe the frequency you hear if it is moving towards you. Describe the frequency you hear if it is moving away from you. What frequency does a person in the police car hear? As a sound wave travels through air, explain compressions and rarefactions. What is the speed of sound at around 20° C? Explain what happens to the speed of sound as temperature increases. Of the following, what does sound travel fastest through: air, water or steel? Explain why. If at 0° C, sound has a speed of 331 m/s, what wavelength does a 440 Hz wave have?
Student is looking for a Math Tutor who can help on an ongoing basis
Added: Saturday 16th of May 2020