Math Question: Raina drove 737 miles in 11 hours. At the same rate, how long would it take her to drive 536 miles?

Asked By inni On 04/26/2020 21:18

Math Answers

First you divide 737 by 11 (737/11 = 67 miles per hour) Next you divide 536 by 67 (536/67 = 8 hours) So it will take her 8 hours to drive 536 hours
Answered On 04/27/2020 20:21

This problem can be solved in two ways. One way is to find the speed by dividing 737 miles by 11 hours => 737/11 = 67 mph. Now divide that rate by the 536 miles = > 536/67 = 8 hours. It can also be set up as a proportion: 737/11=536/h. Multiply by the denominators => 737h=11*536 => Isolate h by dividing 737=> (11*536)/737 = 8 hours
Answered On 04/27/2020 20:53