Math Question: Draw a conclusion chair was in charge of distributing 25 food items that we don’t need to the local food pantry.on Monday, she distributed 8 items Touch on Tuesday, she distributed 7 items. Five more items we distributed state.what fraction do I distributed by that of the day stage drama going to help solve the problem

Asked By Jojo On 04/15/2020 09:02

Math Answers

25 is the total pieces of items, so it goes in the bottom "denominator" of the fractions that describe how much was distributed per day. So, on Monday 8 of 25 was distributed or 8/25. Tuesday saw 7 out of 25 or 7/25. The next day was 5 out of 25. Where it gets interesting is that both 5 and 25 are divisible by 5, that means that 5/25 can also be regrouped into having distributed 1/5 of the total items on that day. If you add all food distributed each day, all 25 items were distributed during the three days.
Answered On 04/16/2020 19:53