Math Question: In a video game, a bird is flung on a sling shot and follows a parabolic path. The path of the bird can be modeled by the equation h=-15t^2+55t+3 , where h is the height of the bird and t is the amount of time, in seconds, the bird has been in the air. How long will it take the bird to reach a height of 44 feet in the air for the first time? Round your answer to the nearest hundredth.

Asked By howard On 05/01/2020 18:52

Math Answers

First, set the height to 44: 44=-15t^2+55t+3 => this problem is looking like a use of the quadratic formula, so subtract the 44 to set up the equation => 0 = -15t^2+55t-41. So, a=-15; b=55 and c=-41. Find the discriminate part of the quadratic formula: sqrt(b^2-4ac) = sqrt((55)^2-4(-15)(-41))=sqrt(3025-2460)=sqrt(565)=aprox 23.77. Take that value and add and subtract it from -b: -55: -55+23.77 = -31.23 and -55-23.77 = -78.77. Divide each of these by 2(a) => 2(-15) = -30 -31.32/-30 = 1.04 and -78.77/-30= 2.63, the smaller time is 1.04 so that is the answer. t=1.04 for h = 44
Answered On 05/01/2020 22:14