Math Question: -2x+7=5x-4

Asked By Morgan On 10/03/2022 21:56

Math Answers

We most combine all like terms (separated by operation signs). We can do this by getting all constants (a number on its own) on one side of the equal sign and all the terms with the variable (a symbol for a value, ex: "x") on the other side of the equal sign: -2x + 7 = 5x - 4 -> -2x + 2x + 7 = 5x + 2x - 4 -> 7 = 7x - 4 -> 7 + 4 = 7x - 4 + 4 -> 11 = 7x Then we get x by itself. We can do this be getting rid of the 7. Since 7 is being multiplied to x, we will do the opposite of multiplication and divide by 7. But if we divide one side of the equal sign by 7, we must do it to the other side as well: 11/7 = 7/7x -> 11/7 = x
Answered On 10/03/2022 23:23